Author Interview by Jack Silbert
The old-fashioned memory book is having a hard time keeping up with the 64GB memory on your smartphone. (more)
Cozy Up To a Good Book
I’m in heaven. My pal Cynthia introduced me to a marvelous series of board books that foster earliest literacy while planting a seed that will bloom years later. (more)
Reasons To Be Cheerful
One of our favorite author/illustrators, Alex Latimer (The Boy Who Cried Ninja; Penguin's Hidden Talent; and Lion Vs. Rabbit) just created this wonderful panel cartoon. (more)
Books (and Authors) We Love: “Clementine and the Spring Trip” by Sara Pennypacker
Guest Post by Sara Pennypacker
One of the problems with/great things about blogs is that you get drawn into conversations. (more)
Books We Love: “My Dad is Big and Strong, But …,” “Inside Outside,” “Flight 1-2-3,” and “Extreme Oceans”
It’s June! School is winding down. (more)

It’s Like Goodreads for Kids: Meet the Creators of
Interview by Jack Silbert
If your 8-to-12-year-old kids love to read, you may want to introduce them to! (more)

Guest Post by Valerie O. Patterson
We can teach students to read and add. But can we teach them to care for other people? (more)
Picture Books We Love: “Open This Little Book,” “Flora And The Flamingo,” and “The Banana Police”
The great ideas are often the simple ones. (more)
This Time, It’s Personal: Customizable Books from Chronicle
Okay, you have a fabulous trip planned for the holidays. (more)
Giftable Books for MG and YA Book Lovers
As promised, here’s our list of giftable middle grade and young adult books with that little extra something that will make them memorable gifts. (more)
Giftable Books for the Youngest Book Lovers
’Tis the season! While you’re making your lists and checking them twice, consider these extra special titles that combine beauty and brains resulting in memorable gifts for your young readers (and pre-readers). (more)
Picture Books We Love: “The Reader”
Review and Author and Illustrator Interviews
The Reader is an adorable picture book written by Amy Hest and illustrated by Lauren Castillo and published by Amazon Children’s Publishing. (more)
Halloween Treats: “The Monsters’ Monster” and Apps that Say Boo!
If you’re a fan of Mutts Comics, I don’t need to sell you on the extraordinary work of Patrick McDonnell. (more)
Books We Love: “Ivy + Bean Make the Rules”
It here, fans: the First Annual International Ivy + Bean Day (That’s October 13th to you and me). (more)
How to Help Kids Find their “Spot”
Guest Post by Irene Latham
There’s a lot of talk these days about “passion.” (more)
Books We Love: “Benny’s Brigade” by Arthur Bradford
It’s not often I describe a children’s picture book as haunting, but there is something hauntingly real about this fantastical tale of a miniature walrus Benny and the sisters who help him get home to the sea. (more)
Week 8 of the Ivy and Bean Blog-A-Bration!
It’s week eight of the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration and we’re giving away a paperback copy of book eight in the series, Ivy and Bean No News Is Good News. (more)
Ivy and Bean Blog-A-Bration Week Seven? Heaven!
It’s week seven of the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration and we’re giving away a paperback copy of book seven in the series, Ivy and Bean What’s the Big Idea. (more)
Books We Love: “The Templeton Twins Have an Idea” by Ellis Weiner
Book Review and Author Interview
When I was a kid, I loved vintage Bugs Bunny cartoons, mostly because Bugs was sarcastic in what seemed like a grown-up way. (more)
Ivy and Bean Blog-A-Bration - Week 6!
It’s week six of the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration and we’re giving away a paperback copy of book six in the series, Ivy and Bean Doomed to Dance. (more)
The Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration Continues!
It’s week five of the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration and we’re giving away a paperback copy of book five in the series, Ivy and Bean Bound to be Bad. (more)
Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration Week 4!
It’s week four of the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration and we’re giving away a paperback copy of book four in the series, Ivy and Bean Take Care of the Babysitter. (more)
The Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration Continues!
Hey, everybody, it’s week three of the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration and we’re giving away a paperback copy of book three in the series, Ivy and Bean Break the Fossil Record. (more)
Books We Love: “Hang Glider & Mud Mask”
Stop the presses! Okay, now turn the book over and start the presses again. (more)
It's Week 2 of the Ivy and Bean Day Blog-A-Bration
October 13th is the 1st Annual International Ivy and Bean Day, launch day of the 9th book in the New York Times bestselling series: Ivy and Bean Make the Rules. (more)
It’s a Countdown to Ivy and Bean Day Blog-A-Bration!
October 13th is the 1st Annual International Ivy and Bean Day! (more)
Go For the Gold! And Silver.
For that matter, go for the “Recommended” and “Approved” as well. (more)
Books We Love: “Mission Possible” by Eva Moskowitz and Arin Lavinia
This is a sponsored blog post. The opinions are 100% mine.
Perhaps you’ve noticed this disturbing trend in our society: teachers, who just a few years ago were lauded as the underpaid, underappreciated heroes of our communities are now often vilified as lazy, over-compensated, union fat-cats. (more)
Read ME a Story: “Bear Despair” and “Waterloo & Trafalgar”
More Picture Books that Make Your Child the Storyteller
I recently posted a story on two picture books (Little Bird and The Night Riders) that encourage your child to do the storytelling. (more)
Re-Imagine the Basics: “The South African Alphabet” and “Pomelo Explores Color”
Picture Books We Love
Just about every pre-schooler’s library contains an A-B-C book and a book about colors. (more)
Picture Books We Love: “Little Bird” and “The Night Riders”
Two magnificent new picture books (one in release; the other soon to be released) tell their stories with pictures in a way that can coax the storyteller out of your child. (more)

You heard me right. You owe it to yourself to take a good long look at (more precisely) RubbishBooks. (more)
On the Trail of the Elusive Puffin
My favorite book as an early reader was E. B. White’s Stuart Little. (more)
For a Magical Media Experience, Just “Press Here”
Book and App Review
Last March, Chronicle Books published an amazing book titled Press Here by Henré Tullet. (more)
Read Me a Story, iPad!
Apps We Love: Go Away, Big Green Monster! and Grimm’s Red Riding Hood – 3-D Interactive Pop-Up Book
Go Away, Big Green Monster! By Ed Emberley by Night & Day Studios is the app version of the Caldecott-medal winning storybook. (more)
Books We Love: “Penguin’s Hidden Talent” and “The Boy Who Cried Ninja”
My daughter and I are already familiar with the very talented author/illustrator Alex Latimer from his first picture book, The Boy Who Cried Ninja, a witty updating of Aesop’s boy who cried “wolf.” (more)
Here Kitty, Kitty!
Books We Love: Chloe and the Lion by Mac Barnett and Adam Rex
Remember those great old Warner Brothers cartoons where Daffy Duck would get into an argument with the artist drawing him? (more)
Hello, Gorgeous!
Picks from the Book Industry Guild of New York’s 26th Annual Show
This show honors the art of bookmaking in all its glory. (more)
Let Me Draw You a Picture!
Books We Love: Make a World by Ed Emberley
If you have a child who is just learning how to write, you know that they learn their letters one stroke at a time. (more)
Books We Love: “Just a Second” by Steve Jenkins
I love it when a book changes what I know AND how I think. (more)
In Praise of Picture Books: Books We (and Caldecott) Love
I’ve always loved picture books. My earliest childhood memory is a picture book on puffins. (more)
Books We Love: “Plunked” by Michael Northrop
Book Review by Jack Silbert
Super Bowl, NBA All-Star Game, blah blah blah. (more)
Get Your Irish Up!
e-Books We Love: Tales from the Glades of Ballymore by Bob Brooks with Illustrations by Karen Ross Ohlinger
The great thing about blogging is you can run across a wonderful little self-published book and give it the “shout out” it deserves. (more)
Valentine e-Books With Heart
If your child knows what Valentine’s Day is, you’ll probably find yourself helping them get a stack of cards ready for their friends at school (or pre-school!). (more)
Books (and Authors) We Love: “Honest Abe’s Funny Money Book” by Jack Silbert
Book Review and Author Interview by Maggie Hames
Our frequent contributor Jack Silbert (reviewer of Joyful Noise, War Horse, and many other pieces) has just written a new book. (more)
Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King
We honor Dr. Martin Luther King as we honor our exceptional Presidents—with a federal holiday. (more)
Character Education Is a Hot Topic. And You Can Quote Me!
Book Review: Changing Kids’ Lives One Quote at a Time by Steve Reifman
Santa Monica grammar school teacher Steve Reifman is ahead of the curve on the topic of character education. (more)
Books We Love: “Keep Our Secrets” by Jordan Crane
Book Review by Maggie Hames
Keep Our Secrets is both a high- and a low-tech wonder. Utilizing the new technology of thermographics, the book’s illustrations are heat-sensitive. (more)
Simply Moo-velous Books!
Books We Love: Cows Can’t Quack and Cows Can’t Jump
by Dave Reisman with Illustrations by Jason A. Maas
What do you call a grumpy cow? Moo-dy. (more)
Books We Love: “The Invention of Hugo Cabret” by Brian Selznick
Book Review by Maggie Hames
Okay—this book was released in 2007, but it is poised for a major revival with this Wednesday’s release of the film version—called Hugo—directed by none other than Martin Scorsese (in 3-D yet). (more)
Books We Love: “Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and Their New Skates” by Maj Lindman
Book Review by Jack Silbert
Huey, Dewey, and Louie, I knew-y. Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka, not so much. (more)
Finding the Right Book: Matchmaking for Your Child by Gail Terp
The first step to becoming an enthusiastic reader is finding books that excite you. (more)
Books We Love: “Nursery Rhyme Comics”
Book Review by Maggie Hames
This book is touted as, “50 Timeless Rhymes from 50 Celebrated Cartoonists!” But when it comes to the old nursery rhymes, do kids today need them? (more)
That Bunny Is a Bully!
Sarah O’Hara – Gift of the Fairy Wings by Penny Holguin
Book Review by Maggie Hames
There’s something I don’t find myself saying every day: that bunny is a bully! (more)
Books We Love: “The Day the Cow Sneezed” by James Flora
Book Review by Jack Silbert
For a long stretch of time there, it seemed like every album I bought—and I buy a lot of albums—had some connection to Irwin Chusid. (more)
Books We Love: “Peter Nimble and his Fantastic Eyes” by Jonathan Auxier
Book Review by Jack Silbert
We book critics take the platitude “Don’t judge a book by its cover” extremely literally. (more)
The Elegant Story of Math In Nature: “Blockhead, The Life of Fibonacci”
Book Review and Author Interview by Maggie Hames
I’ve always been a little afraid of math. I wish Joseph D’Agnese’s wonderful book was around when I was a kid, and I’m glad I’ll be able to share this with my own child. (more)
“Cats and Rabbits” by Martin King
A #100blogfest Blog
We used to own the leanest, meanest street cat on our estate. It was called Tinker. I was only about six when this tale took place. Sitting comfortably ... then I shall begin. (more)
The Test of Time: The Books We Loved (and Love) by Maggie Hames
The book that touched you, the book you remember, the book you look forward to sharing with the kids in your life—that’s all I was asking. (more)
“Meem’s Little World” Just Got Bigger by Maggie Hames
Book Review and Author/Illustrator Interview
Texas-born Lori Rolie has created a children’s book of verses, Meem’s Little World, that’s unlike anything else on your child’s (or for that matter, your bookseller’s) shelves. (more)
I Was Adopted? by Maggie Hames
Children’s Books that Open Up the Discussion
Whether your child has always known she was adopted or you’re planning the proper moment for your talk, you may find it helpful to supplement your discussion with one of several children’s books created specifically for this reason. (more)
Slideshow of More Young Adult Novels from the NY Book Show
More Young Adult Prizewinners from the Book Industry Guild
Part IV: Young Adult Nonfiction, Graphic Novels, and Fiction Novels
Earlier this month, the Book Industry Guild of New York hosted their 25th annual show in New York City. This show is a celebration of the printer’s art. (more)
More Show-Stoppers from the New York Book Show
Part III: This group of Young Adult prize-winners from the Book Industry Guild’s recent New York show were judged on beauty of design and quality of printing. (more)
More Books! The Best Children’s Books from the Book Industry Guild of New York Show
Part II: Novelty Books
As promised, here’s another batch of prize-winning books from the Guild’s recent show. These books were judged on beauty of design and quality of printing. (more)
Beauty + Brains: The Best Children’s Books from the New York Book Show
Part I: Hardcover Picture Books and Pop-up Books
Just this week, the Book Industry Guild of New York hosted their annual book show. This show is a visual arts-lovers paradise, as the books selected were judged on beauty of design and quality of printing. (more)